ICATUS (International Conference on Architecture, Technology, and Urban Sustainable)
This International Conference is the first conference held by Bachelor of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. This conference will become one of the identities of BoArch and will be held annualy every two years. This conference was organized by a research group that had been established in BoArch called CATUS (Centre For Architecture, Technology And Urban Sustainability). Therefore this conference invites researchers, professionals, academics, government, NGOs, developers and other parties around the world who are interested in studying the richness of architecture in both Indonesia and the world; as well as observers of problems in the field of urban planning and design; observer; and researchers in the field of sustainable development to share ideas and opinions together and explore knowledge and expand scientific insights and practice of architecture, urban design and the environment. This international scale conference will become an important forum for scientific development, especially in the fields of Architecture, Urban Design and the Environment based on sustainable development.
For more info, visit: https://ucs.unud.ac.id/conf/icatus