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Architecture Seminar Introduct ...

Minggu, 11 Februari 2024
Monday, February 5 2024, the BoA in collaboration with IAI Bali held an online seminar about the Architect's profession. This activity aims to prov | Read More...

Bali Mountain Architecture Pho ...

Senin, 11 Desember 2023
The Bali Mountain Architecture Photography Exhibition & Discussion displayed 21 collections fr | Read More...

2023 Architecture Program Outs ...

Minggu, 16 April 2023
2023 PILMAPRES of Architecture Program is the first Outstanding Student Selection event that held by the Wicwakarma A | Read More...
Final Project

Determinasi dan Validasi Senyawa Teofilin yang Diduga...

Ni Luh Gde Vera Yanti

Uji Potensi Antibiotik Sefadroksil Sediaan Generik da...

Ni Made Cintya Dwi Pramesti

Perbedaan Massa Tumor, Kadar Hemoglobin, Trombosit dan ...

Putri Puspadiningrum Gita Prayani

The Best Yudisium

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