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Architecture Seminar Introduct ...

Minggu, 11 Februari 2024
Monday, February 5 2024, the BoA in collaboration with IAI Bali held an online seminar about the Architect's profession. This activity aims to prov | Read More...

Bali Mountain Architecture Pho ...

Senin, 11 Desember 2023
The Bali Mountain Architecture Photography Exhibition & Discussion displayed 21 collections fr | Read More...

2023 Architecture Program Outs ...

Minggu, 16 April 2023
2023 PILMAPRES of Architecture Program is the first Outstanding Student Selection event that held by the Wicwakarma A | Read More...
Final Project

Identifikasi Drug Related Problems pada Penanganan Pasi...

Vera Carolina Gumi

Pengaruh pH, Pemanasan dan Kondisi Penyimpanan terhadap...

Yanita Ristanti Purwitadewi

Populasi Escherichia Coli O157:H7 Pada Feses Dan Sekum ...

Made Windy Sofiandari

The Best Yudisium

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