Udayana University has a vision towards "World Class University" which has the consequence that faculties and study programs under Udayana University are required to meet international standards, both through international accreditation and international certification. Architecture program of FT Unud which is one of the leading study programs at Udayana University is set to apply for AUN QA (ASEAN University Network) international certification in 2022/2023. This step was taken because PSA has been accredited A for 2 consecutive times and this month it has been accredited as 'Unggul' by Ban PT. To be able to apply for international certification, PSA must compile a SAR (Self Assessment Report) which reports on how PSA student input is, the learning process is carried out and how graduates' competencies after entering the work after graduation are.

In SAR, there is ELO (Expected Learning Outcome) that needs to be compiled to serve as a guide for curriculum preparation and course distribution. The preparation of this ELO refers to the competencies set out in KKNI, 13 competency points determined by IAI, and 37 architect competencies determined by UIA. To complete the ELO which has been prepared by the AUN QA committee for the Architecture study program, feedback from stakeholders, alumni, and other users is needed through FGD (Forum Group Discussion)

The FGD for determining ELO was carried out on May 20, 2022 at 15.00 WITA and was done in a hybrid manner. The invited stakeholders are professional associations (IAI, Inkindo and DAI); local government (Bappeda Bali, PU Badung and PUPR Denpasar); and universities that have architecture programs (Warmadewa, Ngurah Rai and Dwijendra). The event was opened with a report from the Chair of the AUN QA Committee for  Architecture program, Dr.Ir. Ni Ketut Ayu Siwalatri, M.T., and remarks from the coordinator of the Architecture program, Tri Anggraini Prajnawrdhi, ST, MT, MURP, PhD.

The FGD were guided by Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Sueca, MT., Ph.D as moderator. As discussion material, 7 ELO items were presented which the committee had drawn up for approximately three weeks. The discussion, which lasted for 2 hours, resulted in several important points that could be input into the ELO and the preparation of the curriculum later. The summary of the feedback given from some of the invited stakeholder representatives is as follows.

  1. Considering professional architects to be able to become a teaching team (guest lecturers and reviewers in studio/course)
  2. Improving students' ability to apply the theory they learn in school to the real life case
  3. Improving students' professional work ethic, tenacious, persistent, have the initiative to learn, and able to think critically
  4. Introducing the form of multidisciplinary collaboration that exists in the professional world (Relations between architects, interior designers, contractors, and others)
  5. Improve students' sketching skills
  6. Introducing IAI and the architectural code of ethics to students (applicable building regulations, IAI membership, the importance of SKA/STRA for the profession and others.
  7. Developing lecture materials that respond the development of other building technologies, such as bamboo.