The MBKM Cooperation Agreement between the Bachelor of Architecture of Udayana University and Pembangunan Jaya University University General
On Monday, August 1, 2022, the Bachelor of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University signed a cooperation agreement with the Architecture Study Program of Pembangunan Jaya University. This collaboration is carried out for the scope of the Merdeka Learning Campus Independent student exchange program. Student exchange is one of the 8 schemes of the Merdeka Learning program on the Independent Campus of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, where one of the contents of this program is that students have 1 opportunity to study in the same study program, at the same university. different, of course, must be supported by a cooperation agreement between universities, so that the transfer/transfer of credit for lectures can be carried out properly.
In this activity, the presence of the Bachelor of Architecture at Pembangunan Jaya University was represented by Mrs. Ratna Safitri, S.T., M.Ars., as the Head of the Study Program, accompanied by 3 lecturers. The presence of the Bachelor of Architecture at Pembangunan Jaya University was accepted by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Mr. Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, S.T., Ph.D., along with representatives from the Bachelor of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University represented by the Study Program Coordinator, Mrs. Tri Anggraini Prajnawrdhi, S.T., M.T., MURP, Ph.D., Head of MBKM Study Program, Mr. Antonius Karel Muktiwibowo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., Secretary of MBKM Study Program, Mr. I Nyoman Widya Paramadhyaksa, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., and a member of the Independent Learning team for the Independent Campus Study Program, Mrs. Ni Luh Putu Eka Pebriyanti, S.T., M.Sc.
This cooperation agreement activity is carried out by making an agreement on offering courses from each party (Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University and Architecture of Pembangunan Jaya University), which can be taken by students interested in the Merdeka Learning Independent Campus student exchange program later. As for several courses, both from the Bachelor of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University and from the Bachelor of Architecture at Pembangunan Jaya University, which will be offered to students for the Merdeka Learning Student exchange program, the Merdeka Campus, consists of offering 12 elective courses from the Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Engineering. Udayana University, namely: Interior Design, Sacred Architecture, Smart Architecture, After-Occupation Evaluation, Perundagian, Hospitality Design, Landscape Architecture, Real Estate, City Planning, Tourism Destination Area Design, Advanced Settlement, and Advanced City Design. There are 6 courses offered by the Architecture Study Program at Pembangunan Jaya University for the odd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year, which consist of: Architectural Design 3 (green building context), Architectural Design 5 (mixed-use), Interior Design, Design Outdoors, and Green Architecture.
The signing of this cooperation agreement is expected to expand opportunities for students from both parties, both the Bachelor of Architecture at Pembangunan Jaya University and the Bachelor of Architecture at the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University to increase national insight among students, develop leadership skills and soft skills of students in the ability to get along with various people. background to increase the value of unity and nationalism, as well as useful for improving the quality of higher education through strengthening comparative advantage (academic excellence) in each university.